Go John Go
race clean. have fun. love the sport.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Chillin' in the car

Chillin' in the car
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
Just hanging out. Big move? Oh yea but we're stuck waiting for Uhaul... Surprise, surprise.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Fwd: Blog this for Dave. Cause he likes to see himself online

Fwd: Blog this for Dave. Cause he likes to see himself online
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
I think he's eating a cookie or something!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
at summit with Danny

at summit with Danny
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
despite being fully immersed in the off-season and thoroughly enjoying my sk8park mornings, I did manage to take Danny (new Mount Hermon employee) out for a couple hours in the hills... good fun.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Love the morning ride

Love the morning ride
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
check out the thin layer of fog at the low point of this morning's MTB ride...
Monday, September 19, 2005
Talk Like A Pirate Day - September 19
In other news it's Talk Like A Pirate Day, so you'll want to reference this page for all your conversations today.
3 hour tour
got a sweet MTB ride in with the boys yesterday. probably one of my last hurrahs in the Santa Cruz mountains as a local... it was awesome. check out some of the photos we all tried to snap with our cheesy camera-phones... (you know you love those blurry little low-res pics, just accept it!)

Me clearing a little double jump (stoked I can still clear little 10ft gaps ;-)

Partway up Wilder Ranch State Park overlooking the ocean

Matt heading for home over the teeter-totter!

Sunday, September 18, 2005
gettin rad @ the skatepark

gettin rad @ the skatepark
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
yea, I've still been going to the skatepark in the mornings before work... it's good fun! and a great way to start the day! this is me rolling in next to the stairs on Friday.
thanks to dawn patrol cohort Josh for snapping this with my cameraphone.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Beautiful fall day
just did my favorite hour long climb in the Santa Cruz mtns. tight, twisty, single-lane all potholed like crazy tiny little road that climbs about 1,800 feet. It was just about the perfect day... Nice and cool, but sunny. Sweatin' on the way up, arm warmers for the decent. Absolutely gorgeous out. Doesn't get much better.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
Friday, September 09, 2005
morning @ the sk8park

morning @ the sk8park
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
didn't feel like running or riding the bike this morning, but I was up so I hit one of the local sk8parks, the Scotts Valley one...
sorry I didn't have anyone else there to photo me actually riding (or get a better photo of the park... it's pretty nice, but I wanted to try to get the morning fog covering the mountains too) I did ride though, and it was ugly, but it was fun.
gettin' back to my roots and enjoying the off-season already ;-)
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Lance to ride the Tour again?
Hilarious!! Lance is talking about doing the tour again in 2006 just to get back at the French for the recent EPO allegations! the cyclingnews.com story here.
oh yea and he's officially engaged to Sheryl, but that's not really a surprise!
Giro di San Francisco

Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
So I'm pretty embarrassed to say it, but I got my butt kicked yesterday. no training, no sleep, no diet = no result. go figure. ah well, things could be a lot worse, I've been having a blast being a dad and things are starting to settle down a bit now with Travis sleeping longer on his own and stuff now, so I'm sure once we get through the move and stuff, I'll be able to get back into a bit of a rhthym and get training again. I simply can't compete with the best riders in the country on my current level of training...
yea so a bunch of pros did stay around from the Grand PrixSF for yesterdays crit. Health Net, Subway, Aerospace, Webcor, Kodak/Sierra Nevada, McGuire, etc. were all represented, no big euro guys, but still a stacked field and with the legendary swirling San Francisco winds, it made for quite a hard race. I got a good start and spend 5-10 laps right at the front of the field, then I remembered I'm not superman, so I chilled and spent a few laps in the middle of the field, and then came the pain and I was in survival mode counting down the 50 laps (40 miles) til the finish. I was in major suffering mode everytime I looked at my heart rate it was over 200, usually between 205 and 209. Nonetheless, I still had it in my head to make it to the finish, but at 14 to go, somebody flipped the switch and my legs were done... just like that. I had spend just over an hour with my heart rate above 200 so I think my body had had enough and just shut off! purely due to lack of training I'm sure, just need to get in the mileage to compete at this level...
Friday, September 02, 2005
racing again this weekend
Monday I'll be doing the Giro di San Francisco. Hopefully I'll improve upon my ride at the Timpani Criterium last month. Since it's the day after the SF Grand Prix, there's rumors that some big boys may show up. Personally I doubt they'll bother, but you never know. Training has still been pretty minimal too so I'm sure it'll still be a tough day... wish me luck!
more good reasons to move to Oregon
from the Cycle Oregon website:
"Lewis and Clark were no dummies. Two hundred years ago, they discovered something special about Oregon: It’s the perfect place to ride a bike. Out where the West is still wild, you can pedal across pristine landscapes, crowded only by pioneer ghosts. You can bask in the bounty of small-town hospitality, and then toss your bedroll beneath a star-spangled sky. You can marvel at mountain passes, linger in ancient forests, and wander a wondrous coastline, heralded by the Pacific roar."
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Roaring Camp riding

Roaring Camp riding
Originally uploaded by johnny72k.
just another shot of the cool MTBing I hit just about every morning... gotta love it!
Steeler Joke
In a school just outside of Cleveland, a first grade teacher explained to her class that she is a Browns fan. She asked her students to raise their hands if they are Browns fans too. Not really knowing what a Browns fan is, but wanting to be liked by their teacher, their hands all went up into the air. However, there is one exception. A little boy named Timmy has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks him why he has decided to be different. "Because I am not a Browns fan" says Timmy. The teacher then asks, "What are you?" Timmy says, "I'm a Steeler fan." The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red, she asks Timmy why he is a Steeler fan." Well, my mom and dad are Steeler fans so I'm a Steeler fan too." The teacher is now angry." That's no reason" she says loudly. "What if your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot?"
Timmy smiled and said, "Then I'd be a Browns fan."